Friday, December 29, 2006
Judge Mathis's Commentary On the Hurricane Katrina Aftermath
Read: Judge Mathis and Hurricane Katrina
Friday, August 25, 2006
Russell Simmons Endorses Republican From Maryland

Land of free!
Home of the brave!
In America we are all blessed with the abiility to use our FREE CHOICE especially when it comes to the voting process.
That's why I congratulate Mr. Russell Simmons and Ms. Cathy Hughes for finding a candidate in Maryland (a state that Russell Simmons doesn't live in) that they can really rally behind.
Now my point of view!
This latest development in the race for Maryland senator does not change my vote ONE BIT. Although I support and congraulate Mr. Michael Steele on his political accomplishments I still can't vote for the Republican party.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) has lied to the American people about the reasons for war.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) treated fellow Americans like "refugees" during Hurricane Katrina.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) continues to take away our PRIVACY rights.
I cannot forget that the current administation (Republican) defy federal courts when it doesn't go along with their agenda.
If Russell Simmons feel he can support Michael Steele, I support him. My question is how can Maryland resident let Russell Simmons influence them in a political race that he (Russell) can't even vote in. Last I checked, he's not a Maryland resident. Which leads me to assume that this endorsement promotion is only set-up to get the "black" vote.
Sorry Mr. Steele, it didn't work for me.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, August 24, 2006
New Orleans PR Stunt
I'm so sick, I can't even write about my feelings on this story.
Read it for yourself.
Katrina Survivor Lauds Bush
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Great Job Spike Lee and HBO

HBO and Spike Lee have joined together to present a powerful documentary on New Orleans before, during, and after Hurricane Katrina. It's currently on rotation on HBO. Please take time to watch this powerful documentary.
WARNING: It may make you MAD at all the local and federal politicians.
Spike Lee Takes Heart Wrenching Look At Katrina
Also visit this website:
When The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts
Written by COWBOY4EVER

On August 29th, the world will take a moment to remember the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina. Our President will hold a press conference touting everything that his administration has done for the area. He also plans on spending the night in New Orleans to show the world that he is ON THE FRONTLINES. Unfornately, things in New Orleans are no better than they were one year ago. There STILL are thousands living in mobile homes (with unsecured locks - see link below). There are STILL thousands of New Orleans residents living in other states because they don't have a home or job to come back to. Crime is running rampant in the area. And finally, the local and federal politicians are NOT DOING THEIR PART.
It's extremely sad when I turn on the news to find out that America has pledged billions of dollars to other countries or will send troops to other countries but our administration won't ORDER the politicians to REBUILD this city.
August 29th will only serve one purpose for me. That purpose is to remind me that I must VOTE during the upcoming elections because the treatment New Orleans residents are receiving is a classic example of how this administration values foreign policies more than it values the issues are home.
For those of you that are still supporting this administration, I must remind you that the events of New Orleans could have easily been in your hometown. How would you like to feel like a "refugee?"
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Prediction: U.S. First Black President

Monday, June 26, 2006
The Wrong Man (Being a Black Man Series)

In life we all have something that just scares us to death. For some people it's not having enough money to pay the rent. For others, it's not getting married or having kids before their biological clock starts ringing. For me, it's being mistaken for someone that just committed a crime (and spending time in jail for it).
Yesterday's Washington Post told the story of Maryland resident Elias Fishburne. Mr. Fishburne was mistaken for a career criminal named Jarvis Tucker while driving on morning. This article takes the reader through Mr. Fishburne's emotions during this terrible ordeal. It also points out the old saying that black men are "guilty until proven innonence." Although Mr. Fishburne continued to urge the Maryland police officials to match his fingerprints against those of Jarvis Tucker, he was IGNORE. It was Mr. Fishburne's job to prove he wasn't Jarvis Tucker not vice versa.
Read this interesting article: THE WRONG MAN
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Monday, June 19, 2006
Len Bias: 20 Years Later

I can remember the day as if it just happened.
Everyone in school was crying. Although many of us didn't know Len Bias personally, he still felt like family.
My high school had the future Prince Georges County all-time leading scorer on the team, but Northwestern had THE M-A-N. Our star player was one of the best players I have seen but LEN was THE BEST.
Len Bias's death was difficult because he was the closest thing Prince Georges County had to a sports legend. He was the one everyone in school was going to brag about for years to come. We had already planned on asking our parents to buy us tickets for the Washington Bullets (now Wizards) vs. Boston Celtics game so we could see Len play. Unfortunately, our hopes and dreams never transpired. During the mid 80's, our community had not yet become numb to death. Cocaine had not become the PUBLIC drug. But after Len's death, we all started noticing this drug. Area drug dealers even started calling cocaine, "the Bias." Whenever we heard that (as teenagers) it was our warning to STAY AWAY.
Today's newspapers and local newscast debated whether Len Bias's death helped create a change in our community. I heard many former college and professional athletes (Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Alonzo Mourning, etc.) say how much it affected their lives (kept them away from drugs), but I'm not really sure that it really impacted our local community (DC/MD/VA). According to the Washington Post, the Maryland Terrapins basketball team STILL has a horrible graduation rate since Len Bias's death. The drug trade has gotten worse. Crime (especially killings and robberies) has seen a steady increase each year. And the local schools (and youth's attitudes) are getting worse.
Have we done a good job as a community of preventing another tragic lose? I'm not sure.
Len Bias: 10 Years After Len Bias: 20 Years After
Len Bias AKA "Prince Georges Maryland Best Basketball Player Ever"
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Hip-Hop Videos: Sexploitation On The Set

Last evening I watched a program on VH-1 entitled "Hip-Hop Videos: Sexploitation On The Set." I have to say, the program made me angry.
In the beginning of the video craze (the 80's), women walked around in videos but many people didn't pay attention to them (except for Ola Ray in Micheal Jackson's "Thriller" video) because they usually didn't have anything to do with the lyrics of the song or the video concept. These women usually received about 15 seconds of air time in each video. TODAY IS DIFFERENT! Now the lyrics of the songs match what the women in the videos are do or trying to protray themselves as (SEX TOYS or EASY). When the song talks about "ho's", the video will show women as "ho's".
Here's the description of the program:
With roughly 200 hip hop videos created each year, all of them require the staple element of voluptuous women to dance, shake, or just look hot. VH1 News wants to find out exactly who these women are and what goes on behind the scenes of these risqué video shoots.
In this special report, VH1 News interviews dozens of working video girls to discover the industry's secret sexual commerce. When a girl enters the video world, is she playing the role of sexual prop? Is she compromising herself for a little bit of fame? What are the sexual demands placed upon these girls on the video set? The relationship between the video girl and artist and director can get complicated. We'll hear from many women who refuse to date artists and see video work as "strictly business." But sometimes sex is expected. Some girls lost work because they wouldn't date a director or sleep with a rapper's ubiquitous entourage. But not all girls know how to say "No."
We'll meet some groupies and hear from the industry's most infamous video girl, Karrine "Superhead" Steffans. She'll explain how the video girl lifestyle almost destroyed her life. Today, away from the video world, she hopes other girls don't follow in her footsteps. There's another side of hip hop videos known as the world of uncut. This niche market of videos has more explicit images and are seen on DVDs and late night TV. In Fayetteville, North Carolina, we'll go on set of an independent uncut video for an artist named Big Delph. We'll also meet Vanity, Princess and Jayda, three strippers from NC, who are chosen to appear in Big Delph's uncut video. One is raising a child and the other two are just trying to survive. They all hope a music video will give them a little bit of exposure, or at least an opportunity to feel special. The show features rappers like Common, Cam'ron, Mike Jones and Luther Campbell, Trina and Jacki-O as well as former video models Karinne Steffans and Melyssa Ford and two casting directors, Ulysses Terrero and Pablo Cornejo, who audition girls for an upcoming video.
Here's my problem with today's videos. Our children (society) aren’t realizing this is JUST A VIDEO and that the actors/artists in the videos probably don’t dress and act like that 24 hours a day. Our kids are acting and dressing like that all the time. Our boys are wearing “wife beaters” in public so they can protray a rough image. Our girls are wearing jeans tight and below the waist. Our boys think they are suppose to refer to girls as "bitches" and "ho's." Our girls think it's normal to "Shake It Fast" (for you old heads, the rapper is really saying "Shake That A#@"). Our boys think it's normal to carry a 9mm whenever they go outside. Our girls think they have to give up the "STUFF" in order to make friends. Our girls think being in a video is the ultimate career move. I can go on and on, but you get my point.
Many of these videos are doing harm to our children and we're not doing anything about it. I often hear the rappers, producers, and filmmakers say it's a matter of free speech. I don't think they should be allowed to use that excuse anymore. It's amazing to me that BET, VH-1, and MTV are own by the same company. VH-1 caters to the older consumer. MTV caters to the 16-35 white citizen. BET caters to the 16-35 black citizen. Why is it that you ONLY see these rauchy videos on BLACK ENTERTAIMENT TELEVISION (BET). You don't see it on VH-1 or MTV. MTV even has a video program that shows the latest and hottest rap videos, but the same artists that make rauchy videos for BET are required to make a CLEAN version of the video for MTV. If the rauchy stuff was shown on MTV, the parents of those sububuran kids would attempt to SHUT MTV DOWN. Why do we allow it? Why hasn't the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Mr. Dyson, Farrakan, and others join together to stop these videos from being shown on BET. I'm starting to believe that it's become NORMAL to them also.
I know what some of you will say, "don't allow your kids to see it." We live in the age of cell phones that show videos. If they don't see it in your house, they will find out about it somehow. We can avoid all of that if BET stop showing the stuff.
Please make it your business to watch this program. You should see the images that are being planted in our children's head. The program will be shown (again) on Thursday Jun. 22 12:00 AM EDT. RECORD IT because I know everyone is sleep by this time of day.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Once again, if you are still undecided about voting in the upcoming election, this documentary will certainly get you thinking. It caused me to instantly pray for the men and women in Iraq.
I can't tell you what political party to choose, but I can tell you that it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you exercise your right to vote.
For more information on this documentary, please click on this link: BAGHDAD ER
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Monday, June 05, 2006
Being A Black Man

The Washington Post has embarked on a series entitled "Being A Black Man." This series include surveys and interviews with men from all walks of life. Some of the men interviewed include NBA All-Star Gilbert Arenas, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, local pastor Deron Cloud, and a host of other men. The first installment is entitled "At The Corner of Progress and Peril." I encourage everyone (men, women, and children) to read this series. From the first article, it's apparent that no matter what level of success you have achieved, black men experience some of the same difficulties.
I'm not going to spoil it for you. I will begin posting my OPINIONS about this series very soon.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Lower Income May Mean Higher Stress
The study included 193 adults with annual incomes ranging from $2,500 to $162,500. The lower the income, the higher the stress.
My question now becomes WHO PAY THESE PEOPLE FOR THESE STUDIES. The people near the poverty line are frequently worrying about how they are going to eat, pay rent, and live in general. They also receive no respect from the local and federal governments (see NEW ORLEANS). They receive no respect from the local school systems.
To the researchers at the Health Day News, I want my subscription money back (LOL).
Friday, May 26, 2006
Military School

Congratulations goes out to the young people of Forestville Military Academy (formerly Forestville High School) graduation class of 2006 (Article on the graduation). I'm extremely proud of these young people (and their parents). This school was a major risks for the county, school board, parents, and kids. For those families that endured the "you can't wear the latest clothes at the school" taunts, I applaud you. For the kids that endured the "you're stupid for taking orders all the time" taunts, I applaud you. For the school leadership that endured the "this will never work in Prince Georges County" taunts, I applaud you.
Although their test scores haven't reached the level everyone expects, this school is making a difference. This school has done a wonderful job in teaching the students that your life won't be over if you don't wear "booty jeans" and "jeans hanging off your a#@" everyday. This school has done a wonderful job in teaching the students that they can be successful at the next level (the number of students taking the SAT test has risen dramactically).
I never thought I would say this but if the school adminstrators really want to see a difference in our kids start with THE DRESS CODE. Most of the time student fights and sex drives can be traced by to dress code influences from the media and friends.
Just a thought
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Is The War Taking a Toll On The Troops

I was saddened to read in today's Washington Post about investigation into the actions of a Marine convey in Iraq. According to initial reports, on November 19, 2005, the convey was hit by a roadside bomb killing on solider. The initial report stated that the other Marines were being attacked by other insurgents with gunfire. From all the early reports, the investigation will reveal that the only thing true about the initial military report was the number of Iraqi citizens killed. The evidence will reveal that some of these Marines simply killed these civilians. Evidence shows that one child was actually killed while laying in bed.
My question now becomes, "Is The War Taking A Toll On The Troops." Everyone has their opinions on this war, but no one really talks about the toll this war is having on the troops.
Please follow this story (TROOPS KILL CIVILIANS) and our troops state of mind upon returning home.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Friday, May 19, 2006
Lawsuit Against CIA Is Dismissed
Today's Washington Post reports that a lawsuit brought by a German citizen against the CIA was dismissed because the judge thinks it would harm national security if key government officials reveal certain information.
For those of you that don't follow the news, this German citizen was arrested in Macedonia in December 2003. He was beaten, sodomized, and repeatedly questioned about alleged terrorist ties. He was held for 5 months before the CIA realized they had the WRONG MAN.
The judge believes he was seriously injured during his detention but refuses to hold anyone accountable. It's this the story of the last 5 years. When will it stop.
Click on link to read the story: Lawsuit Dismissed
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Bill Cosby Sounds Off

Theo! Rudy! Claire! Denise! I wish someone would pass me the "Jello Pudding Pops." LOL!
That was the mild manner Bill Cosby, but ya (ebonics) crazy black folks have turn him into the "TERMINATOR." LOL
Bill Cosby has been on his "Calling Out with Cosby" tour. This tour has taken him to college graduation ceremonies and town hall style meeting rooms across America. Mr. Cosby feels that it's time to speak openly and honestly with black America. You must read the Washington Post and EURweb coverage of Mr. Cosby's last two addresses: "Cosby Scolds Idle Churchgoers" and "Cosby Airs Out Black Men at Spellman Graduation".
Although Mr. Cosby has some valid points, I have a problem when someone voices their opinions on a "national" stage but doesn't offer possible solutions. Over the last few months, all we have heard from Mr. Cosby is the PROBLEMS in the black community (black women, black youth, now black men and churchgoers). Because he has made some valuable points, I would love to hear some of his suggestions for possible solutions. I think Mr. Cosby is one of our great minds. It would be soooo refreshing to hear some of his solutions. I think that's most people problem with "Jello Pudding Pop", he's being tuned out because there are no suggestions in his speeches.
He transformed my generations expectations with his televsion show. Now Bill transform us with action. Go sit on the "106 & Park" couch and break it down for Tigger. Go do a live interview on the "Donnie Simpson", "Wendy Williams", "Ed Lover", etc. radio shows. Have a made-for-tv town hall meeting with Tavis Smiley, Russel Simmons, Jesse Jackson, T.D. Jakes, and your boy Michael Dyson. I think people will look at your comments different if it appears you was doing more than just mouthing off.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Mr. Cosby, but he has the platform to begin the "change" process. If Farrakan can gather countless black men, Cosby can surely gather the black family (single parent, two-family household, etc.)
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Uplifted Spirit Despite Tragic Events (Yvette Cade)

Yesterday Oprah Winfrey featured a story about Yvette Cade. I was excited to find out that someone from the Washington DC/Maryland area was being featured on the top rated talk show in America. I wasn't excited about the circumstances that helped Yvette Cade get on the show.
For those of you that don't know, Yvette Cade's estranged (now divorced) husband, Roger Hargrave, walked into the T-Mobile store she was working at and proceed to pour gasoline on her body. After Yvette ran outside, Roger proceeded to set her on fire. He was recently convicted for this heinous crime (although prison time will never equal the amount of therapy and pain Yvette must endure).
During the interview, Ms. Cade showed strength despite her circumstances. It was apparent that she has a strong faith in God. Although the road may be rough, Ms. Cade showed that she will not allow her current situation to hold her hostage.
You go sista! You are in my prayers!
Read today's Washington post article on Yvette Cade: On "Oprah," A Wife's Tale of Terror
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Morris Brown College
Read the article: Morris Brown College
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Friday, April 28, 2006
Embracing Culture

If you want change in our communities, it's imperative that we start with the young people. Many of our viewpoints and negative feelings originated from our childhood. If we encourage positive culturally awareness in the children, I'm convinced that our world will be a better place.
This story about a black woman named Teresa Tracy teaching a historically black art form to kids in Loudoun County is the change that will only make our communities better. For those of you that may not know, Loudoun County is a rural county in the state of Virginia. The county is made up of about 96% white and 4% minorities. You certainly feel DIFFERENT when you drive through or live in Loudoun County.
Not only is Teresa Tracy teaching this middle and high school kids the arts of "steppin", but she also is teaching courses on historic black events and people.
Good job Teresa!
Read the article for yourself: STEPPING
Keeping Things In Perspective
London's average gas price is $6.62 per gallon. $6.62 per gallon! I don't think you heard me, $6.62 per gallon. That's double the amount that we pay in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Let me break it down for you! If it takes $55 to fill up your Lexus, Acura, Ford, Chevrolet, or Toyota in DC, it will take you around $110 to fill it up in London or other European countries. The way gas prices are now, I can at least splurge once and awhile at Macy's or some other shopping outlet. IF I HAD TO PAY $110 EVERY TIME I FILLED UP MY GAS TANK, I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD TO SHOP AT GOODWILL.
Read this interesting article yourself by clicking on the attached link: GAS PRICES
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, April 27, 2006
NYourWill Gospel Music Reviews
Hello! Below I have listed some of the hottests gospel CDs out at this time. Keep in mind that this is based on my OPINION. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable when it comes to gospel music. Check it out:
1. Victory (Single) - Tye Tribbett & GA (This song is only available as a single at this moment. Tye Tribbett's new CD will be available on May 23, 2006.)
2. An Invitation to Worship - Bryon Cage (This CD features the hit "I Will Bless the Lord" which was written and originally recorded by Washington DC's own Isaiah Thomas. Another song to look out for is "We Love You" which features J. Moss. Overall, you should really enjoy this CD).
3. Hero - Kirk Franklin (What more can I say? I think this one of Kirk's most powerful CD's to date. It apparent that God has a assignment TAILORED-MADE for Kirk. From the powerful track entitled "Let It Go" to "Imagine Me." Kirk is touching subjects that many churches attempted to steer away from. From the collaboration with Stevie Wonder on the track entitled "Why" to the new musical anthem "Looking For You," Kirk is spreading God's message within and beyond the 4 walls of the church.
4. More - Mary Alessi (My vanilla sister is giving God true praise & worship with this musical offering. The title cut reminds us all that we should continue to "thirst" for God's presence in our lives. This CD features Israel Houghton. Mary sings a few of with Israel and New Breed. Overall, this project is worth buying.)
5. Faith - Da' T.R.U.T.H (This brother delivers the good news of Christ with effortless hip-hop flow. Unlike some other Christian hip-hop artists, Da T.R.U.T.H can flow with any of top secular artists. Don't get it twisted though, this brother loves Christ. It's evident from the lyrics of his songs.
6. Mary Mary - Mary Mary (Talk about "party with a purpose." These ladies are going to party until they get to "Heaven", as their hit song states. This CD is one of my favorites. Another powerful track is called "Yesterday." This song encourages the listeners to leave those hurts and problems behind and PRESS TOWARD THE MARK. Mary Mary is currently on tour with Kirk Franklin and Da' Truth. Be sure to buy your tickets when it comes to your city.)
Keep checking back weekly for more hot reviews on some of the hottest gospel CDs currently available.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Interesting Concept with Powerful Results
Click on attached link: Youthbuild
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Catholic Priest Draws Fire For Speaking Out
This article further proves that the Catholic church stills wants to keep their sexual abuse problems quiet. They are giving millions of dollars to victims in exchange for silence.
The fact that this priest was fired further gives credence to those victims that are fearful of telling their story. Sadly, many victims are PUNISHED for coming out (rather than the abuser themselves).
Truth be told, the Catholic church is probably not the only organization having these issues. I'm sure there are many white and black Christian churches that have the same problem. Hopefully, those abusers will be exposed at some point.
Click on the attached article: "Catholic Priest Draws Fire For Speaking Out"
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Monday, April 24, 2006
12 Year Old Charged in Deaths
12 Year old Charged
Church Double Parking
The government has been allowing the District of Columbia churchgoers to double park for years, but now they want to change their policy.
The local clergy have assembled to protest this new policy on the basis that it's infringes on their right to worship freely.
The District of Columbia public schools have been below standard for years. Many of the schools are falling apart. The homicide rate in the District is horrible. Many of our area residents are fighting a war that makes no sense. But these clergy members feel it's better to hold a protest march and demostration because of PARKING? Lawd!!!!!!!
In terms of the parking, let me say if I was a resident of these neighborhoods where the church members double park or block the residents in, I WOULD BE UPSET ALSO. There is plenty of parking on DC streets. This all boils down to many of the church members are too lazy to walk their behind a few blocks. They want to double park so they can have a shorter walk. Now the other churches in DC have to suffer (parking).
In terms of the protesting and demostrations, YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Where are you when tile fall from the ceiling in Eastern High School? Where are you when there's a double shooting in SE? Where are you when their are demostrations for the fabricated WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION? Give me a break. I'm not going to call out the churches that are causing these problems, but you know who you are.
Clergy Demostration Article
Learning On Their Own Terms
Between Rollerblade aerials and rail slides, Justin Reed described how he landed at a school that lets him do whatever he wants all day long.
He burned out on high-powered Eleanor Roosevelt High School in his home town of Greenbelt. Lost interest in the college track. Despised cafeteria food. By 11th grade, he was ready to drop out.
"I just really hated school, and Roosevelt brought that out of me," the 19-year-old said one spring afternoon next to an iron handrail that doubled as a launching slope. "Being told what to do and what to learn. Having to do homework. Grades. Grade levels. Everything that this school stands against."
Justin will graduate in June from the highly unconventional Fairhaven School with a diploma that may require explanation to a college or future boss. He took no tests in his three years at the private school, received no grades and had no course requirements. But he played electric guitar, read and wrote poetry, made friends and got the last laugh on lunch. "No more tater tots!" he said.
Read the rest of this article: Learning On Their Own Terms

Being strong and not letting people break me down, you won't get that joy this time around. Can you imagine me?
In a world, in a world nobody has to live afraid, because of your love, it's gone away, can you imagine me.
Letting go of my past and glad I have another chance and not hard to dance cause I don't have to read that page again.
Imagine me, being free, trusting you totally, finally I can.. Imagine me. I admit it was hard to see.. You being in love with someone like me... Finally, I can.... Imagine Me. (Words from Kirk Franklin's song called "Imagine Me")
Last night I had the privilege of attending Kirk Franklin's Hero concert. I must tell you, it was DA BOMB (I know that's an old saying - LOL). It was worth the cost of admission.
The show opened up with Christian hip-hop/poet Da' Truth. This brother broke down God's word (as he sees it) like no other. If you don't have his CD, please purchase it. Instead of buying 50, Dem Franchize Boyz, and others for our kids, expose them to a Christian brother that can really flow.
Mary Mary bought down the house with their "Praize Party" style. It was apparent that Mary Mary has become a crowd favorite. They sang the hits like, "In The Morning", "Shackles", and "Heaven", but it was the songs like "Yesterday" and James Cleveland's classic "I Just Can't Give Up Now" that brought the house down.
Finally, there was Kirk. What can I say? The boy is BADDD!
From hits like "Brighter Day", "He Reigns", "Now Behold The Lamb", "Silver and Gold", "Hosanna", and "Couldve' Been Me." The audience was on their feet the entire performance. The show went to a whole new level when Kirk ministered the song entitled, "Let It Go." This song encourages the listener to "Let Go" of the past hurts, issues, and unforgiveness because it holds you prisoner. Some of the lyrics are:
Jesus please, on my knees can’t You hear me crying
You said to put it in Your hands and Lord I’m really trying
You wasn’t lying when You said You reap what you sow
Like that night momma died, it’s hard to let it go
You adopted me, cared for me, changed my name
But I cursed at you, lied to you and left you pain
It’s not strange I can still see it in my head
To know for hours you were lying there in that bed
If you’re listening to this record
If it’s day or night
If your momma is still living treat your momma right
Don’t be like me and let that moment slip away
And be careful ‘cause you can’t take back what you say
To my real momma if you’re listening I’m letting it go
To my father, I forgive you, ‘cause you didn’t know that the pain was the preparation for my destiny
And one more thing Lord let my son be a better man than me
Whew! Many of these past problems create future self-esteem issues. This is when Kirk (and em') ministered the song entitled, "Imagine Me." This song encourages the listener to TRUST God totally because people can bring your self-esteem down.
Kirk brought Jamaal Bryant, pastor of Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, on stage to exhort the crowd in praise. There was jumping and shouting throughout the building.
Kirk closed the show with the new classic "Looking 4 U."
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this show. Please purchase these artists music.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Web Site Led Killer to Sex Offenders
Officials: Web Site Led Killer to Sex Offenders
CORINTH, Maine -- A man who fatally shot two sex offenders in Maine got their names from the state's online sex offender registry, authorities said Monday, renewing fears that such lists expose ex-convicts to vigilante violence.
The gunman, Stephen A. Marshall, a 20-year-old from Canada, committed suicide Sunday night in Boston after being cornered aboard a bus by police.
Joseph Gray, 57, of Milo, and William Elliott, 24, of Corinth, were among 34 names Marshall had looked up on the state Web site, said Stephen McCausland of the Maine Department of Public Safety. Investigators said they discovered that he visited the Web site because he typed in his name to receive extra information online, including street addresses.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Campaigning From The Pulpit.......
I have a great conference idea. Let's call it the "VOTER-FEST." Signing up to vote in the upcoming elections will pay for your registration to the religious conference. NO MONEY.... JUST FILL OUT THE VOTER REGISTRATION CARD.
Crazy me! What am I thinking? That would never work. HMMMMM???????
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Montgomery County Schools .vs. Everyone Else....
Where are you at "Seven On Your Side?" Where are you at Fox 5 News? Where are you at WUSA 9 in HD?
Are you being selective on what you report? If it was a shooting at the school, you would be all over the place. This is a crime that you should be covering. Maybe it's because most of the local news anchors and employees probably live in Montgomery County themselves.
This robbery should be HEADLINE news but once again Prince Georges County school system (just like the DC school system), continues to get the short end of the stick.
Send this article to everyone you know:
Montgomery County School System Robbery
The Back In The Day Bug. Sickness or Normal Day Medication

It's been a long time, I shouldn't left you, without a dope rhymn step to....
Have you ever had one of those days when old songs lyrics stayed in your head. You could be doing work on the job but your mind would shift to.......
Excuse me Doug E. Fresh! Yes! Have you ever seen a show with fellas on the mike with 1 minute rhymns that don't come out right........
LOL! It can happen anywhere. On the elevator.....
Well it's POPCORN LOVE and that's more than love to me. POPCORN LOVE, just wait, they will see...........
In the conference room during a meeting.....
Ev'rrrrr morning, about a quarter to four.... SARDINES. The people are asking for more, SARDINES. I asked my mother oh what should I do, SARDINES. (You know the rest - LOL).
On your way to the cafertia for lunch.....
Look at those rumors, around me everyday. I just need some time, some time to get away. From all those rumors, I can't take it no more.........
Walking past all the post-9/11 security guards in the office buildings....
Jack ran in and Joe ran out. Brother Moe, he began to shout...RUN JOE..RUN JOE...The police man is at the door. RUN JOE........
So if you are singing these type of songs throughout the course of your workday, it's safe to say that you have the "BACK IN THE DAY BUG."
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Three Police Officers Indicted In Videotaped Beating

We all can remember the vivid images of the elder black man being beaten by New Orleans police officers a few weeks after Hurricane Katrina. Even though the videotape showed the vicious beating, the police officers maintained their innoence. Well, a jury of your peers didn't believe you. On March 29th, the officers were charged with battery and other offenses. Also, two of the officers were fired. One was suspended but is now back on the force.
Even though these FORMER officers have not been convicted yet, it feels good to know that this incident wasn't swept under the rug.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
The Power of Prayer
What the researchers failed to study was the relationship, that those who were praying, had with Jesus Christ. I can go to anyone and tell them the right thing to do, but if I don't have a relationship with them, my words will be useless. Once I develop that relationship with that person, they will LISTEN to my words.
Also, the authors of this study apparently fail to understand the POWER OF MY OMNIPOTENT GOD. I could provide numerous testimonials of God's healing hand, including my own personal testimony.
I mentioned in one of my previous post that there is an attack on the Christian lifestyle. This article is just another illustration of my point.
Please click on the attached link for the full story in the Washington Post.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Friday, March 24, 2006
Scene from "24"...... Pre-Iraq Invasion
Click on the link for more information: The Manipulator
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Bush: Powerful Statement

These are the words that came to mind after I viewed President Bush's press conference from West Virginia this week. I watched this press conference expecting to hear the same rhetoric that the administration uses every week.
You know the statements.......
"We are making progress in Iraq",
"We will not back down from terrorists",
"The UN Council and Congress voted for.......",
"The world is better off without Saddam in power"
I can go on and on...........
During Tuesday's press conference, our leader took his "matter-of-fact" comments to whole different level.
While commenting on the American troops presence in Iraq, Mr. Bush said future troop levels (decisions) "WILL BE DECIDED BY FUTURE PRESIDENTS AND FUTURE GOVERNMENTS OF IRAQ." WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Being the non-veteran that I am, sadness instantly came over me. If I received that feeling, just imagine what parents and loved ones of soldiers in Iraq felt. Just imagine how the troops in Iraq felt. Just imagine how the troops PREPARING to depart for Iraq felt.
This administration has been playing games with the American public and the American troops from the very beginning. The administration knew all along their intentions for our troops.
American troops and their families..................KEEP YOUR HEAD UP (looking toward God).
Powerful Statement
Written by COWBOY4EVER
The Mouth Can Only Hold What's Really In Your Heart For So Long
Remind me to DRIVE WITH CAUTION while driving through Montgomery County.
Officers' Site Sinks Into Outlet for Attacks
Topics of Race, Sex Permeate Montgomery Police Union Message Board
By Ernesto LondoñoWashington Post Staff WriterThursday, March 23, 2006; A01
What's up with the cop in Silver Spring who's ratting out colleagues? That was the question raised by a police officer who started a thread on the online message board of the Montgomery County police union on July 15, 2004.
Within minutes, a flurry of responses began pouring in to the site, one of many online forums that have changed the way police gripe and gossip.
They called the African American officer in question a "rat," a racist and a lazy cop who needed to "be put in her place." Then her husband -- the department's former diversity training teacher, who was brought in after the agency came under scrutiny over allegations of racial profiling -- was dragged into the online onslaught.
"Let him jump out and scream profiling at me on a traffic stop," a writer identified only as "Irish Cop 4 Life" wrote. "The only profile he's going to see is mine driving him into the pavement by his racist skull!!!"
The message board was designed as a forum where officers could trade tips, complaints and light banter. But several officers say it has become an outlet for personal attacks -- often laced with racist language, sexual harassment and disparaging remarks about police supervisors, county leaders, immigrants and residents.
Copies of the messages from the password-protected Web site provided to The Post provide a rare glimpse of some officers talking among themselves. The authenticity of the messages, posted from 2004 to this year, was verified by officers with access to the site.
The officer attacked in July 2004 was Cpl. Sonia Pruitt, identified on the site not only by her name but also her professional particulars: badge No. 1134, Silver Spring station, central business district. She said the attack stemmed from a misunderstanding of an innocuous episode involving an officer she believed did not follow proper procedure during an arrest.
The threat about her husband would have been jarring in any context, Pruitt said. But coming from one of her colleagues -- only Montgomery County police officers have access to the forum -- it was downright bloodcurdling.
"Who's to say a guy with a gun wouldn't hurt my husband on a traffic stop?" she asked.
Officers concerned about what they describe as a spate of increasingly odious exchanges say union leaders and police supervisors have largely ignored their complaints. The union president said the site is deliberately uncensored, but he said he discourages its use as an outlet for personal attacks, harassment and racist language.
Police Chief J. Thomas Manger said he has known for some time that some officers were unhappy with the message boards, but he said he was unaware of the nature of the offensive threads until a reporter read him a sample.
"I'm very disappointed to know that we have a handful of employees that would write some of the things that are written in this forum," Manger said. "I know it does not reflect 99 percent of our employees. I will not tolerate any unlawful or improper conduct by any police department employee in the course of their duties."
Five officers interviewed for this story said they think the uncivil messages are the work of a loud minority and do not reflect the values of most officers. But they say the messages offer a disturbing look into the minds of some of their colleagues, and they say they worry that the postings might influence rookies.
"If you treat your brothers and sisters like this," said Detective Terry Ridgley, president of the department's black officers association, "how can we expect you to treat members of the community with respect?"
The county's immigrants, a segment of the population whose trust the police department has worked hard to gain, have frequently been the target of offensive messages.
A January thread that started with a message about a sign at a district station turned into a rant about the county's changing demographics. One officer identified only as "4D" -- the Wheaton district station -- wrote: "Half of the district NO HABLA!!!! COMPRENDE??" Another poster using the pseudonym "SE HABLA AWE SCREW IT, HANDS UP PACO" responded later in the thread, which had "Ig'nant" as a subject line: "HALF, TRY 90 PERCENT . . . BEANERS GO HOME."
A February thread started by an officer looking for "a good painter that would be cheap" led to messages about the Minutemen, an anti-illegal immigration group that recently started scouting day laborer sites in the county.
"Casa de Maryland should be done away with, as should any safehaven for illegals," one writer, identified only as "." offered, referring to a group that assists immigrants in the county. "In 20 years you'll have 150 channels of Telemundo, and you'll be paying for English-language channels -- and you'll be at the day laborer center, waiting for a pick-up."
Another poster, who said he was a Hispanic officer, shot back: "This is the trash I have to deal [with] in this department everyday and it's getting really old. Cut it off. Next time when you call a signal 13" -- code for an officer in distress -- "or help for translation look around and see who's backing you up. Be safe."
Non-Hispanic immigrants have also been trounced on the site. In August 2004, officers criticized a group of African immigrants who protested after a Montgomery officer fatally shot Peter Ayompeuh Njang, 25, a Cameroonian immigrant, on Aug. 12 in Silver Spring.
"What I'd like to know is how many of the protesters are illegals, and how many will be arriving to the demonstration in unregistered, uninsured vehicles with someone else's credit card," one officer identified as "Status Quo" wrote.
Race and demographics are not the only volatile subjects on the boards. There have been sexually explicit postings. One depicted a fictional incident involving a female police commander in SWAT gear demanding sex from a female job applicant. Another posted under the name of a sergeant described how he masturbated while driving.
Message boards frequented by law enforcement officials have proliferated rapidly in recent years, said Chip DeBlock, a detective with the Tampa Police Department who started , a site that hosts more than 150 message boards for law enforcement communities, which he said gets more than 4 million hits per month.
DeBlock said the forums allow officers from different states to swap tips, discuss procedures and speak frankly to management -- frequently emboldened by anonymity.
Keeping the exchanges civil on the boards has required the help of 150 volunteer moderators.
In recent years, officers in Baltimore, New York and Detroit have been fired or suspended for running Web sites with online message boards that got out of hand, according to news accounts of those cases. In 2002, 24 District police officers were suspended after an investigation into the use of squad car computers to send offensive or threatening e-mail.
Montgomery officers say the union has declined to require posters to identity themselves on the message boards, a simple step they say would tame the content.
Walter Bader, president of the county's Fraternal Order of Police lodge, said some of the egregious messages could be the work of nonunion members who may have hacked into the site to undermine the union.
"We don't censor it, we don't actively monitor it," Bader said. "It's free speech, it's 2006, it's technology. I don't agree with some of what I see on there. I don't think people should slander each other. But we're in a free country. We should embrace free speech."
Montgomery officers say the command staff has known about the forum for several months but has not publicly denounced the destructive content. Although the department has no oversight over the board, officers said, commanders could easily restrict access to it from work computers.
"I'm ashamed of my department if they allow this to go on," said Eric Mason, a detective with the department's major crimes unit.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Proms Divided by Race

"I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I return to the South. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.
" Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Last evening, I had the pleasure (if you want to call it that) of watching the Lifetime Movie Network program entitled, "For One Night." This movie followed a fictional character by the name of Brianna McCallister as she attempted to organize the first intregrated prom in her high school's history.
While watching this movie I kept trying to make myself believe that this story was taking place in the 50's, 60's, or 70's. I didn't want to believe the facts. I wanted to come out of my DEEP sleep. Unfortunately, I could not come out of my DEEP sleep, because I WASN'T SLEEP. This story isn't based off events that took place in the 50's, 60's, or 70's. This FRAC-IN-ACLE-BULL took place in ............................................... 2002.
Twenty-nine years after Dr. Martin Luther King gave his now famous "I Have A Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC (August 28,1963), we STILL are having issues with segregation.
The real-life story took place in a small town called Butler, Georgia. The young lady that took a stand against segregate proms in her high school was Gerica McCrary (played by Raven Simone). Gerica didn't understand the need to have two proms (white prom/black prom) when the majority of students interact with each other everyday during the school year. Nearly 75% of the juniors and seniors at the high school supported Gerica's idea. Unfortunately, it was the ADULTS that continued to impart their racial wisdom into their kids and community. If it had not been for Shandra Hill Smith, freelancer writer for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper, this prom and story would probably be Butler, Georgia little SECRET. Shandra Hill Smith also attended the same high school years ago, so she had a first-hand knowledge of Butler, Georgia secret life.
Gerica was able to successful have ONE prom for her senior class. Unfortunately, the white students (and parents) decided to have WHITES-ONLY proms again (and still do).
I would like to thank Gerica McCrary and Shandra Hill Smith for taking a STAND!
Click on the attached links for more information on the Taylor County High School proms.
Friday, March 10, 2006
It's Hard Out Here for a ........

Daylight shootings.
Rappers are celebrated for getting shot or doing time in prison (see Lil' Kim).
Cable stations that were created for African Americans highlight the sex and drinking aspects of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Through various media outlets, the "pimp" lifestyle (or wannabes) is only associated with African Americans.
Blacks only win Oscars when they are degrading women.
I originally planned to write a very thought provoking piece on this whole "pimp" thing, but after reading Washington Post writer, Jabari Asim's article, I decided against it. His article summed up my feelings. Enjoy!
Needed: A Replacement for 'Pimp
By Jabari Asim
Thursday, March 9, 2006; 12:00 AM
The best thing about Three 6 Mafia winning an Oscar for Best Song is the likelihood of "pimp" losing its luster of hipness.
While the prospect of previously oblivious whites adopting the word is a nauseating probability, the mainstreaming of "pimp" should reduce its popularity in the black communities where it first shucked its cobwebs and regained its currency. Its anticipated lapse in popularity creates an opportunity to suggest new lingo to my fellow African-American city dwellers, who often originate the nation's catchiest slang.
My first suggestion: "scholar."
Imagine yourself amid all the men who used to gather aimlessly on street corners, lounge on the steps of other people's houses and hang out with the rest of the worshipful congregations outside package liquor stores -- all of you deeply absorbed in library books.
Except you can top them all by trundling down the street with -- you guessed it -- a wheelbarrow almost overflowing with the latest volumes by our nation's best authors.
You'll help to popularize an exciting new trend. Once it catches on in "urban" neighborhoods, it will inevitably "cross over" into white ones and, before you know it, openly building one's intellectual muscles will be known as "acting black."
You can win friends and influence people -- plus earn the undying admiration of the women in your neighborhood who are pining for an intelligent, well-read mate -- by handling your load with a mixture of staunch self-discipline and weary resignation.
"Say, brother," one of your fellow intellectuals might say, "looks like you have quite a bit of studying to do this fine evening."
"You're right," you might reply. "I could be off luring vulnerable women into an exploitative economic relationship based on the trading of sex for money -- behavior that would benefit neither myself, the hapless women or all those desperate, duplicitous and disease-spreading customers who should be home with their wives and children (see below). But what can I tell you?
It's hard out here for a scholar."
A second suggestion: "husband."
American society seems perfectly poised for the reintroduction of a once-revered but fading tradition -- and you, my trend-savvy friend, can be at the forefront! It's really not so hard to picture yourself in a committed relationship with one -- just one -- of those smart, attractive African-American women who have spent their single years dreaming of a faithful, loving and hard-working scholar (see above). I can see you now, hurrying home with your briefcase or lunch bucket in tow, rushing to keep pace with that growing assembly of black men striding with similar briskness home to their wives and children (see below).
"Say, brother," one of your equally dedicated peers might say, "looks like you're doing your utmost to keep those home fires burning. And might I also say that you are carrying one lovely bouquet?"
"Why, thanks," you might reply. "A dozen roses for my sweet, but that's not all." Here you lean forward with a conspiratorial wink. "I also have a paycheck in my breast pocket." After a mutually celebratory chuckle, you could add: "I guess I could have chosen a less disciplined life of slacking, stealing and engaging in exploitative relationships that involve the trading of sex for money (see above), but what I can say?
It's hard out here for a husband."
Finally, a word that, like our previous suggestion, seems to have lost much of its prestige during an era in which 68 percent of African-American children are born out of wedlock: "father."
It could go like this:
Minutes after rushing home with your briefcase and/or lunch bucket, library books and bountiful bouquet, you change into loose clothing and take your children to the park with your wife (see above) while there's an hour or two of daylight left.
One of the other dads pushing his sons on the swings or tossing a ball with his daughters might turn to you and say, "It's a perfect evening for family fun, is it not?"
"Right on, my brother," you might say in response. "I'll admit to feeling a tad fatigued after a long day of rigorous, engaging and lawful labor, but my night's rest will be well earned."
"I suppose I could have chosen a different lifestyle," you could add while keeping a loving eye on your beautiful family.
"Perhaps I could have been a slacker, thief, deadbeat dad or participant in the trading of sex for money, but what can I say? It's hard out here for a father."
It may indeed be tough going for pimps these days. But what can I say:
It's also hard out here for all of the above.
Outside Looking In
Can you guess where these comments originated?
Do you give up?
Come on, think a little harder!
Okay, time's up!
These comments come from The State Council, China's Cabinet. China on Thursday lashed out against the U.S. criticism of its human rights record.
Isn't it sad that other countries can see the blight of many African Americans, but our own country refuses to acknowledge it.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Church Arsons
If you recall, a few weeks ago I posted my commentary on the arson fires in Alabama. Well, I'm happy to announce that the "cowards" have been caught. According to reports, the suspects started burning the churches as part of their college pranks. What makes this "prank" even more interesting is the fact that they attended an religious institution of higher learning.
I'm not going to spend too much of my valuable time writing about these "cowards." Please read the attached link concerning their methods and reasoning for the crimes. Also, let's pray that every church effected by these suspects be rebuilt in a timely manner.
P.S. "What you do in the DARK, God will expose publicly."
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Which War Is More Important?
With all this discussion about Iraq taking place, we have failed to discuss the war that's taking place in the United States. Yesterday, there was a execution-style slaying in Washington, DC. This slaying took place in broad daylight (around 12 noon). At least 30 gunshots were fired. After a police chase, three suspects were arrested, one man was dead, another man was shot, and his wife escaped. Apparently this was retaliation for a killing a week earlier.
What is going on? Why has our society chosen to ignore this crisis? Why has the African American community allowed the media (radio, television, movies, and videos) to glamorize the hood lifestyle? Why are parents allowing their children to grow up with no discipline or guidance? Why are the churches concentrating on the issues within their four walls only? Why has our government chosen to liberate and fight for other countries and not their own? Has society become NUMB to these crimes?
At this point, we need to stop having discussions (i.e. State of Black America, etc.) and start TAKING OUR STREETS, CITIES, TOWNS, and STATES back.
What do you think?
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Lent Season

The Lent Season begins six weeks before Easter Sunday. It is a time of repentance and preparation. In Lent, we remember the temptation of Christ in the wilderness and His journey to the Cross. We become aware of how Christ humbled Himself and how God calls us, also, to humility as we participate in His redemptive purposes. We consider, also, what our own place of service and sacrifice is in His divine plan.
Lent concludes with Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, we think of the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, knowing that soon He would be rejected by the very ones who waved their branches and shouted Hosanna! Many Christians talk about what they are “giving up” for Lent. But that needs to be understood in the context of what we are taking on. That is, what am I willing to let go of so that I may accomplish the destiny God has for me?
Jesus extends this invitation:
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:29-30)
Paul put it this way:
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
In closing, the forty days of Lent is an opportunity to enter into the purpose, passion, and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, and be made more like Him. So what are you "giving up?" Is it unforgiveness, bad attitude, bad financial stewardship, Go-Go music, dates, self-dishonesty, pride, bad language, shopping? When making your decision, please be honest with yourself. God already KNOWS the things that are keeping you from getting closer to Him.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Hurricane Katrina Briefings - SICKEN

Let's see! A couple of days after Hurricane Katrina hit the New Orleans, President Bush said, "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees," and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff agreed. Now six months later the Associated Press released a video that shows Michael Brown, then-Director of the FEMA, giving President Bush not only warnings about the levees in New Orleans but warnings of possible disastrous conditions at the New Orleans Superdome stadium. Although this video CLEARLY illustrates the Bush Administration's lack of action during this crisis, they are attempting to downplay the significance of the video.
When I saw this story being reported on the 10'o clock news last evening, I instantly received a sicken feeling in my stomach. I didn't get angry, I became sick. How can my wonderful country go to other countries to liberate the citizens, but NEGLECT the citizens at home. How can my country allow this to happen? Did the slow response happen because the majority of the 9th ward resident are black? Is it because the majority of people that tried to find safe haven in the New Orleans Superdome was black? I'm going to leave that question for you, the reader, to ponder. The question I keep asking myself is, "Would this slow response have happened in the State of Florida?" I DON'T THINK SO!
As the evening continue I started to become angry because several cable news network's tried to blame the residents for their fate. These buffoons on television blamed the residents because they didn't evacuate the city. When you have many people in that area (and globally) living paycheck to paycheck, these residents probably didn't want to leave their homes with "no money." This pro-administration media blitz was done to divert attention from their lack of effort.
The one lesson that I have learned from this disaster is, "don't put your total trust in the federal government." They will fail you every time.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Monday, February 27, 2006
Recovered Photos From the Civil Rights Movement

A Birmingham News photo intern, Alexander Cohn, has uncover 5,000 photos from 1950 - 1965. This photos were taken by numerous photographers from the Birmingham newspaper and Associated Press. This are not the typical Civil Rights Movement photos. These are photos that hopefully will encourage the reader to research the movement in more detail. Please read the below story about Alexander Cohn's discovery, then click on the attached link to view the photos. Of course, you will not be able to access the entire photo collection because there are plans to create some form of exhibit in Birmingham.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
From Negatives to Positives
Discovery in News archives leads to publication of unseen photographs tracing progress of civil rights movement through Birmingham.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
News staff writer
Minutes after the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church was bombed on Sept. 15, 1963, Tom Self was on the scene taking pictures.
The photographs, published in The Birmingham News, were among hundreds that appeared in print during the civil rights struggle in Alabama. Self, who retired as chief photographer in 1998, remembers many of those images.
He also recalls many not published. One is a picture from inside the Sixteenth Street church moments after explosives blew the face of Jesus Christ from a stained-glass window and killed four little girls.
"I shot a picture of Jesus, and everything was intact except his face; his face was blown out," Self remembered. "It was an eerie feeling to look up there and see the whole frame of the window and just the face was gone."
Hundreds of photos from that era were lost, sold, stolen or stored in archives. Some of those pictures appear today for the first time in the newspaper, in an eight-page special section titled "Unseen. Unforgotten."
The section is the result of research by Alexander Cohn, a 30-year-old former photo intern at The News. In November 2004, Cohn went through an equipment closet at the newspaper in search of a lens and saw a cardboard box full of negatives marked, "Keep. Do Not Sell."
Cohn, who grew up in Mountain Brook and is a master's candidate at the University of Missouri, researched the images and discovered that many had never been published.
"These images were hidden in plain sight," Cohn said. "When I first started looking through this stuff, I was seeing a lot of images that I'd never seen before. I started going through everything on the subject that I could find to get a fuller picture of what was going on."
With the cooperation of The News, Cohn interviewed dozens of photographers, clergymen, elected officials, civil rights movement participants, historians and other witnesses to the events. More than 30 photos appear in today's special section, and dozens more are available on the newspaper's Web site at
Some of the images will appear in a special exhibition at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute beginning March 13.
Multimedia presentations featuring more pictures and interviews with the photographers and participants in the civil rights movement are also online.
In all, Cohn said, he found 5,000 images from 1950 to 1965 in the cardboard box. He examined 2,000 and estimated that most had not been published.
Why weren't more of the photos published 40 or 50 years ago?
"It was difficult for people to see," said Horace Huntley, director of oral history at the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute and professor of history at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "People were embarrassed by it. The city fathers were embarrassed by it."
Eighteen years ago, in a centennial edition, The News made this observation about its coverage of the civil rights movement: "The story of The Birmingham News' coverage of race relations in the 1960s is one marked at times by mistakes and embarrassment but, in its larger outlines, by growing sensitivity and acceptance of change."
Organizations outside the state told Birmingham's story before the local media, Huntley and others said.
"More than anyone else, New York Times reporter Harrison Salisbury forced The News and the entire Birmingham white community to confront the reality of the racial conflict," according to The News' centennial special published March 13, 1988. Salisbury's profile of the city appeared in The Times on April 12, 1960, under the headline, "Fear and Hatred Grip Birmingham."
"The editors thought if you didn't publish it, much of this would go away," said Ed Jones, 81, a photographer at The News from 1942 to 1987. "Associated Press kept on wanting pictures, and The News would be slow on letting them have them, so they flooded the town with photographers. The AP started sending pictures all over, and it mushroomed."
Robert Adams, 84, a photographer who joined the newspaper in 1940 and retired in 1985, said, "I think The News as an institution did not try to inflame the situation by use of photographs or stories."
Covering the turmoil meant facing many dangers, the photographers recalled.
"Being a photographer back then wasn't the safest thing to do," said Self, 71, who joined the newspaper in 1952. "An AP photographer was up here covering the protests, and somebody shot the back window of his Volkswagen with him in it. I've had people who were on trial threaten me."
Concrete bricks would sometimes get tossed at the photographers, Jones said.
"Down by Ingram Park, people were up on the second floor of a hotel, and they started throwing half of concrete blocks at us," he said. "I was standing by another photographer and I saw it coming and I hollered, 'Watch out!' And it hit him: It fell right between us and hit him on his right ankle. His ankle was swollen twice as big as it should be in five minutes."
All of the photographers said they didn't see special significance in their photos when they were taken.
"It's an honest record," Adams said. "There were no attempts at bias. It was a record of what happened while I was there."
Catherine Burks Brooks, a Birmingham resident who was part of a group of student Freedom Riders when she attended Tennessee State University, is among those who appear in the previously unpublished photographs.
"I was very, very thrilled to see that we do have them," said Brooks, 66, a substitute teacher in the Birmingham City Schools. "I assumed that there were pictures because reporters and photographers were around. I knew the pictures had to exist, but they were being kept somewhere."
Friday, February 24, 2006
Hezekiah Walker - Is the Buzz Worth Buzzing?

The last few days I have received over twenty emails forwarded to me concerning the latest and hottest gossip on Verity Records gospel Hezekiah Walker. The subject line of the emails included things such as "Hezekiah Comes Out of the Closet", "Gay Preacher", "Hezekiah Steps Down".
I will say this concerning these emails, "we have all sinned and falling short of His glory." This couple divorced because of private matters. Leave it stay PRIVATE. What's the purpose of bringing up issues that took place about three years ago.
Is it self-gratify to take a public figures struggles and talk about it over and over again. It's amazing to me that the sins of gospel artists and preachers are held to a higher standard than the average person.
Yes, I know he's a minister.
Don't all Christians have the responsibility to minister to the world.
Yes, I know he's on television singing about God's goodness.
Don't you do tell your co-workers about the goodness of Jesus on your job.
I think the best thing we can do for Hezekiah Walker, his ex-wife Monique, and their child is to PRAY for them. The same way you pray to overcome your sins (known and UNKNOWN), they deserve that same consideration.
Satan is slick! In the last few years we (America) went from asking for continual Christian prayer during 9/11, Christian-based movies such as Passion of Christ and the Gospel, and best-selling books such as "The Purpose Driven Life", to church burnings, pulpit scandals, gospel artist revelations, and federal laws that go against everything Christians stand for.
Wise-up! Stop focusing on the latest gossip and see the BIG picture. We to pray for the Christian community altogether and stop letting the media determine who we will forgive and pray for.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
Friday, February 10, 2006
The Holy Land Experience

The city of Orlando, Florida has a new attraction. No, it's not another Disney or Universal Studios affiliated theme park. This new attraction is a living, bibical history museum.
This link ( ) will give you a virtual tour and other important information about this wonderful facility.
So for those of you that are planning trips to Disney World and other Orlando theme parks, please allow yourself a few hours to visit this attraction.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Kirk Franklin's Hero Tour

Grammy-Award Winning Duo Mary Mary Featured on Tour
Nationwide Tour to Support Gospel Mogul’s Latest Gold Certified CD “Hero” and Will Honor Hometown Heroes
Fo Yo Soul Entertainment/Zomba recording artist Kirk Franklin will embark on a national tour in support of his latest CD Hero, kicking off February 28 in Cleveland, New Jersey and continuing throughout the summer with stops in Los Angeles, New York City, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Chicago, Detroit and Washington, DC among others. Kirk, the biggest selling gospel artist in the SoundScan era, is well-known for his dynamic and energetic performances, which have included two hugely successful “Hopeville Tours” in the past few years. On the new tour, the gospel dynamo will perform selections from his sixth CD Hero, which debuted in the #1 position on two Billboard Magazine charts -- Top Gospel Album and Top Christian Albums – and continues to maintain the top positions respectively. In the spirit of the CD’s title, Franklin also plans to celebrate and honor “hometown heroes” in each market he performs in. Fellow Grammy Award-winning, platinum-selling gospel duo Mary Mary will be joining Franklin on the tour.
The year has just begun and Kirk has already received award recognition for this latest works. The multi-talented artist received a Best Gospel Performance nod from the 2006 Grammy Awards for his #1 hit single “Looking For You.” The Grammy’s will be announced live at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on February 8th on CBS. Additionally, he just received a 2006 NAACP Image Award Nomination for Outstanding Gospel Artist (Traditional or Contemporary) with winners being announced on the national broadcast airing March 3 on FOX.
Aside from touring and attending award shows, the community-minded side of Kirk will keep him busy this year, as well. As newly-named Ambassador to The Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), Kirk Franklin will host and star in a concert this summer to raise funds to support the work of the organization. The benefit coincides with the tenth anniversary of CDF’s “Stand for Children” to build a movement to Leave No Child Behind. Franklin will unite fellow music industry leaders in a concert at the MCI Center in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, July 8, to provide a voice for better policy choices affecting the 37 million Americans, including 13 million children living in poverty. The proceeds will directly benefit the Children’s Defense Fund, a private, nonprofit organization that for more than 30 years has provided a strong, effective voice for all the children in America who cannot vote, lobby, or speak for themselves. Both Franklin and CDF hope to mobilize thousands to stand for justice for children and the poor through rallies and other activities planned for that weekend. Visit to learn more about CDF’s research, public policy initiatives, programs and outreach throughout the country.
In addition to the tour, Kirk is gearing up for numerous television appearances in 2006 following last year’s full schedule of television appearances which included “Oprah,” “Live with Regis & Kelly,” BET’s “Lift Every Voice,” “Bobby Jones Gospel,” “25th Anniversary Special” and the network’s #1 rated show, “106 & Park,” to name a few. Some of the upcoming television appearances planned to date include the 21st Annual Stellar Awards (televised in syndication from January 28 through March 5), BET’s “Celebration of Gospel” (February 23) and The Trumpet Awards (April 2006). Kirk will also handle co-hosting duties and perform for the 37th Annual Gospel Music Awards (formerly the Dove Awards) from the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville on April 5 (nationally televised in syndication in April and May). Kirk (along with Rebecca St. James) will announce the nominations for the GMA Music Awards on Wednesday, February 1 at the Hilton Suites in Downtown Nashville.
Prior to departing on tour in February, Kirk will celebrate 10 years of marriage with his wife Tammy by renewing their wedding vows during a private celebration later this month. The loving twosome is featured on the current cover of Ebony Magazine’s February issue in the publications’ annual feature on the “10 Hottest Couples.”
Don’t miss what is sure to be one of the most exciting and worship-filled gospel tours of the year!
February 28
Cleveland, OH
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
State Theatre
*subject to change
March 2
Cincinnati, OH
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Music Hall
*subject to change
March 3
Detroit, MI
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Fox Theater
*subject to change
March 4
Chicago, IL
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Arie Crown
*subject to change
March 5
Milwaukee, WI
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Milwawukee Theatre
*subject to change
March 7
Raleigh, NC
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Meymandi Hall
*subject to change
March 9
Columbia, SC
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
*subject to change
March 10
Jacksonville, FL
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Performing Arts Center
*subject to change
March 11
Lakeland, FL
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Carpenter's Church
*subject to change
March 12
Miami, FL
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
James L Knight Center
*subject to change
March 14
Columbus, GA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Coliseum Spc Evt Ct.
*subject to change
March 16
Richmond, VA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Landmark Theatre
*subject to change
March 17
Charlotte, NC
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Crickett Arena
*subject to change
March 18
Hampton, VA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Hampton Coliseum
*subject to change
March 19
Atlanta, GA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Civic Center
*subject to change
March 21
Huntsville, TX
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Johnson Coliseum
*subject to change
March 23
Beaumont, TX
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Ford Park Arena
*subject to change
March 24
Jackson, MS
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
*subject to change
March 25
Baton Rouge, LA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Southern University
*subject to change
March 26
Austin, TX
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Frank Erwin Center
*subject to change
March 28
Phoenix, AZ
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Dodge Theatre
*subject to change
March 30
Las Vegas, NV
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Alladin Theatre
*subject to change
March 31
Los Angeles, CA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Kodak Theatre
*subject to change
April 1
Oakland, CA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Paramount Theatre
*subject to change
April 2
Sacramento, CA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Convention Center
*subject to change
April 3
San Diego, CA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Sports Arena
*subject to change
April 6
Kansas City, MO
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Music Hall
*subject to change
April 7
Indianapolis, IN
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Murat Center
*subject to change
April 8
Louisville, KY
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Byck Arena
*subject to change
April 9
Dayton, OH
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Convention Center
*subject to change
April 11
Newark, NJ
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Symphony Hall
*subject to change
April 14
Worcestor, NY
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Centrum Center
*subject to change
April 15
Buffalo, NY
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
HSBC Arena
*subject to change
April 16
Philadelphia, PA
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Academy Of Music
*subject to change
April 19
Wilmington, NC
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
*subject to change
April 20
Washington, DC
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Constitution Hall
*subject to change
April 22
New York, NY
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Radio City Music Hall
*subject to change
April 23
Baltimore, MD
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Baltimore Arena
*subject to change
April 27
Columbus, OH
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Main Auditorium
*subject to change
April 28
Grand Rapids, MI
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Van Andel Arena
*subject to change
April 29
Chicago, IL
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Chicago Theatre
*subject to change
April 30
Detroit, MI
The HERO Tour (w/MaryMary)
Fox Theater
*subject to change