Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Power of Prayer

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported on a study completed by Harvard Medical School that was published in the American Heart Journal. The researchers of this study set out to prove that praying for people to recover from illness is INEFFECTIVE. The study of more than 1,800 heart-bypass patients supposely found that those who had people praying for them had as many complications as those who did not.

What the researchers failed to study was the relationship, that those who were praying, had with Jesus Christ. I can go to anyone and tell them the right thing to do, but if I don't have a relationship with them, my words will be useless. Once I develop that relationship with that person, they will LISTEN to my words.

Also, the authors of this study apparently fail to understand the POWER OF MY OMNIPOTENT GOD. I could provide numerous testimonials of God's healing hand, including my own personal testimony.

I mentioned in one of my previous post that there is an attack on the Christian lifestyle. This article is just another illustration of my point.

Please click on the attached link for the full story in the Washington Post.

Written by COWBOY4EVER


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