Land of free!
Home of the brave!
In America we are all blessed with the abiility to use our FREE CHOICE especially when it comes to the voting process.
That's why I congratulate Mr. Russell Simmons and Ms. Cathy Hughes for finding a candidate in Maryland (a state that Russell Simmons doesn't live in) that they can really rally behind.
Now my point of view!
This latest development in the race for Maryland senator does not change my vote ONE BIT. Although I support and congraulate Mr. Michael Steele on his political accomplishments I still can't vote for the Republican party.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) has lied to the American people about the reasons for war.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) treated fellow Americans like "refugees" during Hurricane Katrina.
I cannot forget that the current administration (Republican) continues to take away our PRIVACY rights.
I cannot forget that the current administation (Republican) defy federal courts when it doesn't go along with their agenda.
If Russell Simmons feel he can support Michael Steele, I support him. My question is how can Maryland resident let Russell Simmons influence them in a political race that he (Russell) can't even vote in. Last I checked, he's not a Maryland resident. Which leads me to assume that this endorsement promotion is only set-up to get the "black" vote.
Sorry Mr. Steele, it didn't work for me.
Written by COWBOY4EVER
1 comment:
Sundance award-winning documentary, AMERICAN BLACKOUT kicks off its n ational campaign, END THE BLACKOUT WEEK'.
New York-American Blackout, recently featured in the New York Times, chronicles the recurring patterns of disenfranchisement witnessed from 2000- 2004, including the systematic suppression of the African American vote in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. Director Executive Producer, Ian Inaba, believe it is critical to bring the film into communities where it can have the most transformative impact, and to gather voters and would-be voters of all ages to watch the film in the hopes it serves as an alarming wakeup call for minority voters. Nation-wide End the Blackout Week, which will take place September 25 -October 1, 2006 , will provide organizations and communities with a free copy of film, a h ost guide, and marketing materials to ensure a successful screening.
If you would like to help End the Blackout and join forces with a growing network of other Community Screening Hosts across the country, please respond with a proposed date, time, and venue for the screening. Also, please be sure to tell us whether or not the screening will be open to the public and if there is an admission fee so that we can promote the screenings appropriately. Again, if you're interested please send a request with host information, place and date to americanblackout@gnn.tv
Thank You for your Support,
The American Blackout Team
GNN Profile: americanblackout
end the blackout - the campaign to end disenfranchisement and protect the vote
Check out this video.... Sneak Peek of Infamous Poet, Taalam Acey's performance in American Blackout
YouTube - True Lies
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