Theo! Rudy! Claire! Denise! I wish someone would pass me the "Jello Pudding Pops." LOL!
That was the mild manner Bill Cosby, but ya (ebonics) crazy black folks have turn him into the "TERMINATOR." LOL
Bill Cosby has been on his "Calling Out with Cosby" tour. This tour has taken him to college graduation ceremonies and town hall style meeting rooms across America. Mr. Cosby feels that it's time to speak openly and honestly with black America. You must read the Washington Post and EURweb coverage of Mr. Cosby's last two addresses: "Cosby Scolds Idle Churchgoers" and "Cosby Airs Out Black Men at Spellman Graduation".
Although Mr. Cosby has some valid points, I have a problem when someone voices their opinions on a "national" stage but doesn't offer possible solutions. Over the last few months, all we have heard from Mr. Cosby is the PROBLEMS in the black community (black women, black youth, now black men and churchgoers). Because he has made some valuable points, I would love to hear some of his suggestions for possible solutions. I think Mr. Cosby is one of our great minds. It would be soooo refreshing to hear some of his solutions. I think that's most people problem with "Jello Pudding Pop", he's being tuned out because there are no suggestions in his speeches.
He transformed my generations expectations with his televsion show. Now Bill transform us with action. Go sit on the "106 & Park" couch and break it down for Tigger. Go do a live interview on the "Donnie Simpson", "Wendy Williams", "Ed Lover", etc. radio shows. Have a made-for-tv town hall meeting with Tavis Smiley, Russel Simmons, Jesse Jackson, T.D. Jakes, and your boy Michael Dyson. I think people will look at your comments different if it appears you was doing more than just mouthing off.
I'm not saying I agree or disagree with Mr. Cosby, but he has the platform to begin the "change" process. If Farrakan can gather countless black men, Cosby can surely gather the black family (single parent, two-family household, etc.)
Written by COWBOY4EVER
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