When Marvin Gaye released the hit song "What's Going On" in 1971, we all knew "What's Going On." Black people had just come through the toughest part of the civil rights movement. The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church was bombed. Rosa Parks refused to get up from her seat. Our beloved leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was tragically killed. And many of our brothers and sisters were being killed in the senseless Vietnam war. My parents, along with many other black people of that time, knew "What's Going On."
They knew that the black culture was under attack by certain groups in our precious United States of America. Groups that didn't hide their dislike for the black race. Groups that got pleasure from seeing a black person suffer.
That was then (YEAH, RIGHT), this is now. Today, it appears that Christians and churches as a whole are being attacked. Christians are being attacked because of their bibical views on marriage. Christians are being attacked because of their desire to celebrate CHRIST during the holiday season. Christians are being attacked because of their views on abortion. Christians are being attacked because of their political beliefs. And finally, Christians are being attacked because they are Christians.
The enemy has found out that Christians are resiliant people. With Christ on our side, we can "take a licking and keep on ticking."
So what does the enemy do. Since they can't get to us spiritually, emotionally, or physically so they resort to BURNING OUR CHURCHES. Yesterday, some cowards burned (or attempted to burn) five churches in Alabama. They think our resiliant minds and hearts will burn right along with the buildings. Yes, it hurts to see our places of worship burn to the ground, BUT our God is a REBUILDING God. What the cowards burn down, God will rebuild BIGGER, BETTER, AND MORE "FIRE" PROOF (WITH WATER SPRINKLERS IN EVERY CORNER OF THE BUILDING).
So to all the COWARDS (despite your faults), we love you in JESUS NAME!
See article from the Washington Post - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/03/AR2006020301451.html
Written by COWBOY4EVER
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